
What Causes Wrinkles?

Dynamic wrinkles are caused by contractions of delicate facial muscles when smiling, squinting, frowning and smoking. These lines can give a person an angry, tired or sad appearance, even when not expressing that emotion.

Today you can benefit from 1 of the most popular FDA approved wrinkle fighters, Botox  to prevent and alleviate signs of aging.

What Is Botox ?

Botox Cosmetic is the latest advancement in botulinum toxin therapy. It is used to safely, simply and effectively improve the appearance of frown lines, forehead creases and crows feet.  Botox relaxes facial muscles to prevent new wrinkles from forming.


Are Treatments Painless?

Dental Practitoners are experts in injections and anesthetic techniques resulting in no pain or minimal discomfort during treatments.

How long do the treatments last?

Depending on the area treated.  Botox can last 3-6 months, sometimes longer.

How long are treatments?

Procedures are breif and only take 10-25 minutes depending on treatment.

Are botox treatments safe?

Botoxis one of the safest cosmetic procedures available, only a small amount is used when doing the procedure.

Benefits of choosing my dental practitioner for Botox treatments:

  • Ability to offer treatments in a completely painless manner

  • Most training and knowledge of oral and maxillofacial areas than any other health care professional

  • Comprehensive knowledge of facial muscle and facial expression dynamics

  • Most experienced practitioners for giving intra-oral injections

  • Consideration of dental proportions before augmentation for ideal results

  • Trained and accredited to augment with Botox with the latest techniques

  • Can offer cosmetic treatments during routine dental visits for your convenience

Botox  Procedures:

  • Are Safe andProven

  • Are Non-Surgical

  • Are Effective

  • Have No Downtime

Are you annoyed by frown lines or wrinkles around your smile?